How to Recording a Purchase Entry ?

 Recording a Purchase Entry

When a company buys goods on credit or cash, Purchase voucher is used to record all the Purchase transactions of the company.


● Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers.


● Click on F9:Purchase on the Button Bar or press F9 .


For example, if you are purchasing goods from Sundry creditor 1 for a value of Rs. 12999/-


● Debit Purchase Account. (Local purchase)


● Credit Party Account. (Sundry creditor 1)

                                    (This is voucher mode)


To pass a Purchase entry in the Invoice mode, you need to enable the option Enable Invoicing in F11: Features (F1: Accounting or F2: Inventory Features) .


Invoice mode is of two types, namely:


● An Account Invoice  (Alt+I – Acct Invoice – You can toggle between Item Invoice and Account Invoice)

● An Item Invoice (Alt+I – Acct Invoice – You can toggle between Item Invoice and Account Invoice)


Account Invoice: You will be directly selecting/debiting the Ledger account in case you are passing an Account Invoice.  This is useful especially when a Service Bill is entered and does not include Inventory.


1.        Pass a purchase Accounting Invoice for Sundry creditor 1


2.       Pass a Service bill for Sundry creditor 1 (Accounting invoice mode)





Item Invoice: You will be first selecting the Inventory and then allocating the same to the relevant Ledger account.  This is useful to record all the Inventory movements in books of account.

Pass a Purchase Invoice against purchase of Item A – 1 Nos. @ Rs. 12999/= per quantity from Sundry creditor 1


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